Hosting Services

Website Hosting Solutions, VPS and Dedicated Servers

Hosting Services by TechnoPlanet Enterprise TechnoPlanet Enterprise offers redundant and reliable hosting service at the lowest possible cost. We co-locate our servers in separate and secure data center to minimize downtime. Today's competitive e-business marketplace requires that your business use the most efficient and reliable hosting services. As an TechnoPlanet Enterprise customer, you will reap all the benefits of our state-of-the-art data centers, while avoiding the expenses and risks associated with trying to build and manage this environment internally.

We utilize servers, which consistently lead the industry in performance and reliability. We overbuild these machines to ensure that they perform exceptionally well, even during periods of intense server activity. These machines contain integrated RAID controllers and hot swappable hard drives and power supplies that prevent loss of service from a single drive or power supply failure. In the case of drive failure, we simply replace the faulty drive with another redundant drive without any loss of data or any loss of service. Your data is also backed up and monitored. Backups are routinely verified and tested.

TechnoPlanet Enterprise infrastructure helps Website Solutions providers improve the speed and confidence with which they serve customers; integrated and consistent hardware and software help simplify infrastructure management and allow Hosted Solutions to guarantee uptime.

Type of Hosting Services