Infrastructure Sizing Solutions
What is Infrastructure sizing?
The Key success in getting your hardware sized correctly is to define your application load correctly and then to match it with the appropriate hardware resources. Choosing a hardware
architecture which can grow as your business and/or application load grows is also important.
Hardware sizing has come to play an important role when designing and implementing business critical applications because it is crucial that the existing or defined business and application
requirements are interpreted into an appropriate hardware configuration. If it is not done correctly, it may destabilize the environment which means interruptions and unplanned
downtimes that in turn will cause business loosing not only vital revenue but also customer confidence in the process. This is one of the reasons for why hardware sizing has become a
discipline of its own and as such, each combination of workload and hardware configuration is treated differently. Many application vendors have their own set of tools and recommendations to
perform the sizing. Once the sizing is performed, the results can be mapped to hardware that is already benchmarked. This also means the hardware can be configured specially to support the
application workload in question. It also implies that sizing is one of the major activities when creating a technical architecture where it is used to select the right hardware.
Sizing Services by Technoplanet Enterprise
TechnoPlanet Enterprise performs a complete sizing exercise based on the requirements for a mission critical business application and then translate them into an appropriate hardware
configuration. Furthermore, a set of sizing methodologies and tools are analyzed in detail as well in order to give an as vendor neutral view as possible. Specific requirements such as high
availability, scalability and other important areas are also taken into consideration when designing and creating the hardware architecture.